We help people shift paradigms.

We specialize in the intersection of business strategy, human development, and the built environment.

We awaken leaders and communities to grow from aliveness and potential


We help leaders, organizations, communities grow their capacity to create systemic evolution, benefitting all of life.

Business as usual is working.

Yet most of us would not choose to create the world we live in — climate crisis, inequality, scarcity, separation. When we change the purpose of business, we change the system to work in favor of all life.

What value are you trying to create?
What if you’re only seeing a fraction of the whole?

A regenerative mindset and living-systems approach is like having X-ray vision to new solutions and capabilities.

Most of our clients fall into this category. 

Every leader, organization, and context is unique. We don’t believe in best practices. We work with clients to excavate their essence and potential, translate it into a clear and collective purpose and strategy, and activate transformation.


Business Strategy

Regenerative Development & Design

Facilitation, Workshops, Retreats

Community & Stakeholder Engagement

Leadership Advisory


Got a specific question? Book an hour.

Prior to our call, we’ll send a questionnaire to maximize our time together. We’ll move through your pain points and find a path from darkness into light. What’s included:

1:1 consulting via video call covering anything you’d like to discuss about your individual or organizational needs.

Recording of the call so you can revisit the session on demand.


We run separate retreats for Investors and Entrepreneurs

Location: Bay Area, CA; Leavenworth, WA

How do I achieve viability—growth, returns—in a way that expresses the core of who I am? How do I generate ROI from integrity and wholeness, without compromising?

In these highly-curated immersive retreats, participants learn how their roles in the startup ecosystem can create a flourishing future for all life on earth. Participants will access their own zone of genius, learn how to think, invest or create from a regenerative paradigm, and convene with a curated community of peers.

Transformative Outcomes include:

See and act from a new paradigm, regenerative principles, and expand deal flow or networks.

Develop metrics that embed regeneration into your organization, investments, and products and services.

Identify a distinctive role in the investment or startup community for systems evolution.


When to seek Studio Rhye…

When you need clarity and integrity

You feel low-grade anxiety, disconnection, and dis-ease. Something doesn’t sit well and you that know there’s more value to unlock...

We help you shift from problems to potential, from confusion to clarity, and step into a way of doing business that’s in integrity with profit, people, and planet — a triple win. We improve what you do and how you do it for breakthrough transformation.

When it’s time to get ahead of the curve

You know that a social and environmental purpose increases profits. Customers now expect it.

We help you set a strategic direction, develop new mindsets and frameworks so actualize your highest potential and build the capacity to continuously evolve.

When you’re in crisis mode and need relief

You’re desperate, at an inflection point, and know something has to change.

We help you shift out of crisis and course correct. We bring relief, creativity, and higher-order value by reconciling conflicts and stalemates, creating alignment, and developing good strategy.

When you engage community stakeholders

You’re in search of how to communicate with communities or revitalize developments.

Our stakeholder engagement and design process uncovers the essence, potential, and big calling of a project to galvanize will and sustain projects to completion.

When leadership is under resourced

You’re adding expertise to the executive teams or board.

We offer advisory and fractional leadership roles in Strategy, Purpose, and Impact so you can confidently progress and grow. We are most effective at the early and mid stages (pre-seed through series B).

Start with potential, not problems.

Go beyond human-centered design to living-systems.

Evolve from sustainable to regenerative.


Let’s start a conversation